Clarissa Nilistiani & Theresya Tan, Lana Daya

The lack of attention in the Indonesian archival system has left many of these precious textiles unprotected and scattered around the globe. With the low literacy rate in our society, we often feel apathetic towards the documentation process, which includes recording and cataloguing information. Consequently, preservation becomes more challenging as the sacredness of these textiles has been lost in modern translation and blurred from their original narratives. The Nguri-uri Lurik collection aims to create a visual documentation of traditional lurik in a new, modified form. It also provides a new economic measure to uplift the industry as one metre of the textile requires five metres of the original traditional lurik. Assuming the fabric is made continuously to supply a bigger market, the tradition of lurik will keep on living its past story in a new body of asethtic.

Textiles (100% cotton)
Nguri-uri Lurik collection


Jeremy Smart

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Design Anthology


Christian & Jade, Christian Hammer Juhl & Jade Chan


Cynthia Chan